Friday, 24 May 2013

Hi everybody : in this opportunity  i going to write you, about my presentation of the Alzheimer illness:

Well such you are the Alzheimer is a degenerative illness, which begins when we have more years, for in general over to 65. This produce for multiple causes but the most relevant is the damage produce by the course of time and the wear of organism created for don’t care our body. Is necessary have a good life and maintain in a permanent activity your brain because this when don’t use, let of use some parts causing deterioration of that.  For don’t have an atrophy of the important organ you try to practice and make something that you don’t make.

I chose this topic because in the last time, I presented problems of memory, worrisome for a young person, and I tried to prevent future symptoms, besides in my family exist antecedent of this illness and I have more possibilities for development Alzheimer.

In my opinion I think that in my presentation, I had a good organization, but always lack more time to speak more of the topic, of which we must select the information most important, and I think that I tried to select the more important points.
Well, if exist the opportunity for may present again I will try to speak more quickly and not spend the time in be nervous, and avoid say fillers.

Finally, the most interesting of my presentation about Alzheimer, of which is a one of illness that produces more deceased around the world and nobody stay saved for a possible development of this disorder. I think you could be interesting because no one is worry for his brain or for try to maintained it in permanent activity, the people only use some parts of this and they don’t think in the damaged that they are be produce.

For train your memory visit:

Thursday, 9 May 2013

 Study is a difficult decision, but I always wanted study psychology, in spite of the bad opinion about this career. I study psychology, because there are many personal reasons for this election, but one of that is I am not good for mathematics, (I hate this) and other reason is that I prefer listen instead of speak. I am very quiet.

 The psychology contribute to society in different areas for example education, labor, even sports areas, but the great contribution is can give a best life condition, one hand to resort to.  Well, I hope to contribute, helping out to the persons.   

One psychologist will be need more patient, and empathy above this last empathy and compression are the most relevant tools (for me), for a professional for this area.  Be a psychologist may be very difficult jobs, because hear problems the other persons, may affect you.
Really, I don´t have still a favorite subjects, but i like neurophysiology more than the others.  The different processes in our mind are very amazing, the human brain is a machine more complex, is the most important organ in our body.

I like psychology, and never let this career.        

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Good afternoon everybody:

 Today I’m going to talk about of my favorite song. Well is very difficult this election, because I heard many kinds of music, for example:  folk metal, metal, romantic, or beautiful old songs.  But there is one song very special for me and coincide with the cold day, fantastic for listen romantic song.

This song is: I can’t help falling love. I heard for first time in the radio, but I never after heard with much attention, until my boyfriend dedicated to me. He is really lovely with my, always sing me parts of beautiful songs.

I like this song, (it be heard much corny) because represent the grates feelings that I have with my boyfriend and he to me. Besides was sung for Elvis Presley!!! However, he doesn’t wrote that lyric, he only sung that in the film Blue Hawaii and in his concert. The original author is George David Weiss, in company with Hugo Perreti and Luigi Creatore in 1961. The song may be boring for the others persons, because its rhythm is very calm, (Elvis sung  very slowly) but I love this song .

you can listen and watch in: