Thursday, 18 July 2013

Blogging experience

Hello again!

Uufff this was a difficult time between bad and good marks, but changes the things is so hard.

Never before I created a blog, this is my first time and have been interesting, the good of this activity was the possibility to write in English may be don’t a good grammar or more vocabulary, but we practiced the agility to write, for my part. However I was liked have more feedback of this task, but is understandable that is a hard work correct the blog of all student. I think that this activity it was more productive and different than the other English level, but I never knew my mistakes above all in grammar, I have seriously problem in that part of this languages and respect to the vocabulary is an individual tasks.

This instance for train we were made the most of this work if the topic or some topic was a free election, because one has more facility to write to something that like or one thing we known.  More option of post is a great idea that the students improve and write more.

Really, make the blog it was useful tool for me however in general in the English class I need more practice in the oral part, the whitening may be practice all the time.


Thursday, 11 July 2013


Really in this moment I don’t  have a best friend  although  I have  five girls that I consider with my friends  but still not know her for complete,  hers names are: Marcela, María, Simona, Eliza and Tihare, but for this post I will talk about:  Paula. She was my best friend for long time, I know her since the four years old, we coursed kinder garden, and since this moment never we separated until we beginning the university, I knew her for thirteen years, all a life.

  We had in common the same kind of music; I like the folk metal groups such as: Mago de Oz, Rata Blanca, Warcry and others groups of metal, but she knows more groups than me.  However exist more difference than similarities for example the temperament, in the beginning, she was more pacific and shy then when we were 12 years old she changed was more arrogant and aggressive, and me I was changed to more calm and sentimental and this change, it us separated for a time but in my  ever esteem she, she was my best friend. This changed and the differences that we had, don’t like much.

  In the time together we made much things, but I don’t remember now it was much time together for remind all, we had happiness and anger, but we forgotten easily and we returned to be friends.

i don't know that say more.      :)

Friday, 5 July 2013


 I want to learn many things, but my life always learn me that one never can pursue the dreams without effort, all my life I saw how many cost live in this word, my mom always taught me to achieve the things I want with perseverance and effort without depending the others, for the same reason I don’t agree with much things in this word, especially with this country.

 There is one thing I will like to learn, I will like learn signs language, and the reason is simple: there are many people that need help or someone to listen or talk, but there is few people that understand them, and I want to be a one of person that can understand the other persons that can´t.

 When I was a child I played the guitar when I was 8 years old more or less, but with the pass of time, and other things that happened me I left of play the guitar and sing. However I want restart that activity. 

Now, I will like learn many things for example: drive; speak other language and cook, above all dessert I like so much the sweet food. I think that will lack me time for make or learn all things that interest me, I hope have it.