Thursday, 25 April 2013

Hello classmates:

 Today, in this class, I talk about some important photo for me, however is very difficult choose one photograph that really like me. I have more important  moments in my camera, but I like take photos of landscapes, beautiful places, or pictures when the day get dark. My cellphone is full of pictures about family, my boyfriend, pets, and places.

 Well, this photo is pretty and important, because for this place i walked all my life with my family, above all with my brother and sister, but in that moment I stayed with my mom.

I took this picture with my cell in the precise instant. The photo show one part of a plot next to my house, in the moment when the sky was crossed by gray coulds and bowed a sweet breeze.

The photo was taken on February 2, in the afternoon approximately. That day was a coolness day of summer. I like this pictures, because inspire peace, and nostalgia, I don’t know but I feel strange feelings about this place, besides in that moment i stayed with my beloved mother.

I hope like you this photograph.


  1. This is a very beautiful and pacific image. I like so much. In this moment i wish be in that place and relax me.

  2. Laura...Why nostalgia? :( Is a beautiful pick. Be happy and relax! jeje!
