Thursday, 9 May 2013

 Study is a difficult decision, but I always wanted study psychology, in spite of the bad opinion about this career. I study psychology, because there are many personal reasons for this election, but one of that is I am not good for mathematics, (I hate this) and other reason is that I prefer listen instead of speak. I am very quiet.

 The psychology contribute to society in different areas for example education, labor, even sports areas, but the great contribution is can give a best life condition, one hand to resort to.  Well, I hope to contribute, helping out to the persons.   

One psychologist will be need more patient, and empathy above this last empathy and compression are the most relevant tools (for me), for a professional for this area.  Be a psychologist may be very difficult jobs, because hear problems the other persons, may affect you.
Really, I don´t have still a favorite subjects, but i like neurophysiology more than the others.  The different processes in our mind are very amazing, the human brain is a machine more complex, is the most important organ in our body.

I like psychology, and never let this career.        


  1. the mind is a mystery Laura, i hope you discover this!

  2. Laura I think that the psychologists need to be more sensitive too :) Regards

  3. Hi Laura: I hate the mathematics too jaja... and you impress to me because I dont mean many people that like neurofisiology... But is very interesting :)

  4. Not all psychologists work with people, they can also work doing investigations for example, and still this way they are contributing to the study of human beings. :)

  5. Hello Laura, i think that neurophysiology is a very interesting subject, bur is so difficult :(
