Friday, 5 July 2013


 I want to learn many things, but my life always learn me that one never can pursue the dreams without effort, all my life I saw how many cost live in this word, my mom always taught me to achieve the things I want with perseverance and effort without depending the others, for the same reason I don’t agree with much things in this word, especially with this country.

 There is one thing I will like to learn, I will like learn signs language, and the reason is simple: there are many people that need help or someone to listen or talk, but there is few people that understand them, and I want to be a one of person that can understand the other persons that can´t.

 When I was a child I played the guitar when I was 8 years old more or less, but with the pass of time, and other things that happened me I left of play the guitar and sing. However I want restart that activity. 

Now, I will like learn many things for example: drive; speak other language and cook, above all dessert I like so much the sweet food. I think that will lack me time for make or learn all things that interest me, I hope have it.


  1. Hi
    I think that is very nice that you would like learn sign's language... Is a thing that I never thought...

    Sometimes, the life change the direction and We forget somethings... but I think that when really we like an activity, we should persevere until get it =)

  2. Hi, i think that learn languages is so cool, but is so difficult for me :(

  3. Hi laura! I think that learn other languages is very important and very useful but I think that is very difficult for me in specially english jajaja

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  4. Laura! I hope you learn various languages and travel talking for the world :)
