Thursday, 2 May 2013

Good afternoon everybody:

 Today I’m going to talk about of my favorite song. Well is very difficult this election, because I heard many kinds of music, for example:  folk metal, metal, romantic, or beautiful old songs.  But there is one song very special for me and coincide with the cold day, fantastic for listen romantic song.

This song is: I can’t help falling love. I heard for first time in the radio, but I never after heard with much attention, until my boyfriend dedicated to me. He is really lovely with my, always sing me parts of beautiful songs.

I like this song, (it be heard much corny) because represent the grates feelings that I have with my boyfriend and he to me. Besides was sung for Elvis Presley!!! However, he doesn’t wrote that lyric, he only sung that in the film Blue Hawaii and in his concert. The original author is George David Weiss, in company with Hugo Perreti and Luigi Creatore in 1961. The song may be boring for the others persons, because its rhythm is very calm, (Elvis sung  very slowly) but I love this song .

you can listen and watch in:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ohhh this song is very old! but is nice, I imagine me dancing it under the rain LOL xD

  3. Elvis, the king of rock! is a great song, very nostalgic for me.

  4. The father of my boyfriend is fan of Elvis... and I listen in his house this music... The song is very slow but is special... very romantic and more for you and you boyfriend. Regards

  5. is a very beautiful song and your boyfriend is very sweet, I also I would like to have someone that sing me song so cute like this u.u

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My father love to Elvis and this song! jaja! Beatiful coincidence. It's a sweet song, I like so much sweet song, relax me :)
